Year 9 Options

Since primary school you have had a prescribed curriculum. Over the coming term you will have the opportunity to discuss and take some ownership of the next phase of your school life. Although there are still the compulsory elements of English, Maths, Science, PE, Values and Ethics (including Religious Education) & Modern Britain you will be able to select three more subjects of your choice to complete your curriculum for the next two years. 

The Options Booklet contains a page profile of every subject on offer. This will guide you on the course content, skills that will be developed, assessment formats as well as where the subject could lead you.

The Options Assembly slides have been shared and are available here. This guides you through the process, explains the options format and gives you a timeline between now and your options interview. Use this as an initial reminder of the process.

Explore your options; read the booklet, discuss KS4 subjects with staff and make the most of our in-house experts. We have a section of our website dedicated to careers that may support and inform your decisions. The website also offers plenty of guidance and tips with option choices as well as future careers.

If you have any questions regarding the options process, please contact Mr Foster-Smith (