A2B Safeguarding Lead :
Mrs Amanda Craney
What is A2B?
The A2B team is a group of students/staff who provide support and advice for other students who may have worries or issues
They help to create a safe school environment for ALL students
They follow the Radcliffe C.L.E.A.R. values to help raise standards across the whole school
They enjoy sharing their experiences with others
A2B is the first point of contact for anti-bullying advice
How can A2B help you?
We can offer advice about moving to secondary school to support any anxiety
A2B priority is helping with anti-bullying strategies and advice
A2B can advise you on friendship issues and conflicts
Advisors can support you with emotional wellbeing
We will listen to you if you need someone to talk to
We can signpost you to other areas of specialist support within the school and/or community
A2B supports and encourages positive and healthy relationships
How can you help A2B?
We all play a part in helping to maintain a safe school community by:
Being supportive to each other
Thinking of other people
Taking responsibility for your actions
Raising standards across the school
NEVER being a bystander
Promoting our clear values across the school
In addition, each year we recruit new advisors to A2B. We look for supportive, mature and polite role models who follow our C.L.E.A.R. values and who will be great ambassadors for our school.
A2B advisors should be approachable, good listeners and comfortable talking to other students. Please come to the A2B lunchtime room (D19) to collect an application form or to speak to an advisor for more information. We are particularly keen for Year 10 and Year 11 students to join us so that we can offer students a wide range of experiences and support. Plus, if you are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme then working with A2B can be used as part of your volunteering hours.
The A2B office is located in the DT corridor and is open every day from 08:00-16:00. Please drop in anytime to make an appointment.
If Mrs Craney (A2B Staff lead) is not in the office or is with another student, please leave a note in the post box or email a2b@radcliffeschool.org.uk and then return to your lesson. Mrs Craney will then contact you as soon as she can. Alternatively, please seek support from your House office.
Mrs Craney is in the hall every breaktime 10:45 – 11:05
Mrs Craney and A2B student advisors are available every lunchtime in room D19 for support, games and friendship.