The School Day


8:20am - Gates Open
8:30am - First Bell
8:35am - Tutor Time
9:05am - Period 1
9:55am - Period 2
10:45am - Break
11:05am - Period 3
11:55am - Period 4
12:45pm - Lunchtime
1:20pm - Period 5
2:10pm - Period 6
3:00pm - End of Day & Period 7

School Gate Entry and Exit:

  • Year 7: Addington Avenue Gate

  • Year 8: Stratford Road Gate

  • Year 9: Addington Avenue Gate

  • Year 10: Aylesbury Street West Gate

  • Year 11: Aylesbury Street West Gate

  • 6th Form: Stratford Road Gate

The compulsory hours that the school is open in a typical week is 32 hours 55 minutes. For sixth-form students, this may be longer as some lessons will fall into period 7, but will be subject-dependent.