Year 10 and Year 12 Information 

Face to Face time for Year 10 and Year 12 Students:

As you may be aware, on Bank Holiday Monday, the Government published additional guidance for Secondary Schools which aimed to provide more details on how the ‘Face to face time’ for Year 10 and 12 students should be organised. Following that publication, I have made some changes to the planned timetable for Year 10s and 12s as the guidance stipulates that no more than 25% of the year group should be potentially on site at any one time.

You will see from the timetables, Year 10 will now be expected to attend specified sessions in the morning with Year 12 attending their identified sessions in the afternoon. This version still provides students with the same numbers of sessions, but most importantly, continues to prioritise the safety of students and staff.

Work is well underway in making the necessary changes to our buildings and playground to clearly define and maintain social distancing. All Year 10 students will need to enter the school using the Aylesbury Street West gate, following the clearly defined route and will leave by the rear gate near the pool. There may be a few students who will need to attend the first and second sessions in one day, however, those students will need to be off site for the 15 minutes between each session.

Students will be organised into groups on arrival and will be lined up in the designated areas on the playground outside. If the weather is not looking good, students need to bring a coat or umbrella with them as entry to the school will not be a quick process, as many of you will have experienced if you have been to a supermarket lately.

Students should also bring their own water with them. Students will not have the same access to water as they may have been used to as we aim to avoid or limit any potential contact with surfaces. Any food they wish to bring, may only be consumed off site, unless there is a medical reason.

Students will need to wear their uniform as I want to encourage students to change out of their uniform when they get home, to reduce the risk of any potential infection being passed back into the community.

Before half term, I asked parents to fill in a very short questionnaire, to establish which students are likely to be attending each session. If you haven’t filled it in, could I ask you to complete it using the link please.

As ever, if there are any further updates or advice issued by the DfE or if our risk assessments deem it necessary, there may be a need to change or adjust plans. I will send any changes out to you all as soon as I can.

Take care and stay safe.

Paula Lawson