Sixth Form Team
Assistant Head & Head of 6th Form:
Ann Marie Smith
Assistant Head of 6th Form:
Sarah Chapman
6th Form Study Supervisor:
Karen Stone
Want to contact us ?
Tel : 01908 682211
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At The Radcliffe School we are proud of our Sixth Form, and it is always with mixed emotions when we say goodbye to our Year 13 students, who leave us well rounded and fully prepared to take that next step into adulthood.
Our Sixth Form offers a broad curriculum choice of both academic and vocational accreditations, which means that our students have access to a full range of destinations, be it Oxbridge, a Russell group or any other university, degree level apprenticeships or the workplace.
We offer a personalised approach, supporting and meeting the needs of each individual. The Sixth Form team are experienced and highly trained in guiding students through the further education or apprenticeship process offering the best personalised advice and guidance throughout their time in the Sixth Form.
As a school, we pride ourselves on getting to know our students so that we can help them to fulfil their personal ambitions and potential. The school offers a unique experience, which guarantees success for those who fully engage and take advantage of the opportunities available during their time with us.
Our friendly Sixth Form enables us to maintain and build on that ethos throughout this particularly important time. Students joining our Sixth Form will be part of the exciting expansion plans of our Sixth Form accommodation and should be the first group to benefit from those improvements when they open in 2025.