School Charters
Learning Charter
Article 12: Children and young people have the right to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions and to have their options taken into account; Article 13: Children and young people have the right to get and share information as long as it is not damaging to them or others; Article 28: All children and young people have a right to… education, which should be free… Discipline in the school should respect children’s dignity. Young people should be encouraged to reach the highest level of education they are capable of; Article 29: Education should develop each child’s personality and talents to the full. It should encourage children to respect their parents and their own and others’ cultures.
good commitment by arriving on time to lessons with all the necessary books
and equipment
Make a
decision to enjoy teaching and learning
those who are in difficulty
the focus of each lesson learning and progress
to and respect other people’s ideas and opinions
polite, respectful language at all times
sure words and actions do not embarrass, humiliate or intimidate anyone
Show consideration and respect for everyone
irrespective of their needs and abilities |
Follow the school procedures and policies,
trying to ensure that the behaviour of individuals does not disrupt learning
Encourage and reward positive behaviour
Only issue sanctions for those who fail to
meet the school expectations
Provide positive feedback that informs
future learning, set realistic targets and keep marking up to date
Set good examples through your own words and
Provide a stimulating environment with good
Ensure that individual learning needs are
catered for, through differentiation and use of support staff in the
Treat all students fairly Teach to the best of your ability, trying to plan and create
stimulating lessons |
Students Make the most of every learning opportunity
by listening to your teacher’s advice and guidance
Show co-operation by working sensibly with
other people and allow others to work in peace when necessary
Demonstrate independent learning skills by
doing your best in class and with homework/coursework
Show co-operation by following instructions
and not interrupting or calling out
Allow the teacher to teach
Allow others to learn
Show consideration and courtesy by
respecting other people’s property and the learning environment
Accept that there will be consequences for failing to meet your
responsibilities |
Respect Charter
Article 6: Every child and student has the right to life, to grow up safely and be healthy; Article 19: Young people have the right to be protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and mistreatment; Article 29: Education must develop every child’s and student’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the student’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own culture and others cultures and environment; Article 23: A child and student with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life in conditions that promote dignity, independence and an active role in the community.
Both To respect each other’s race, culture,
gender, abilities and sexual orientation
To celebrate our diverse community and its
To respect each other no matter what your
role or status
Not to say mean things, use polite language
at all times – to be friendly students, be friendly staff (BFS)
To consider each other’s feelings and needs
Not to use aggression, threats or
humiliation against a member of the school community
To be a positive role model and encourage caring behaviour |
Staff/Parents/Guardians Create a safe school where students and
adults feel able to voice their concerns
To listen, hear and act on student’s
concerns in an appropriate and sensitive way
To deal with incidents as quickly as
possible getting support from colleagues when necessary
To ensure behaviour and anti-bullying
policies are understood and implemented consistently
To educate and raise awareness around
bullying behaviour, discrimination and its consequences
To treat everyone fairly always acting in a
professional manner
Students Not to bully or support any kind of bullying
or discrimination
To find a way to solve differences without
using abusive language or violence
To report incidents of bullying
discrimination and abuse
To question the behaviour of those you know
are bullying or discriminating against others
To not become part of the problem (for
example gossiping, watching fights, ignoring bullying and discrimination)
To use ICT in a responsible and safe manner |
Environment Charter
Article 24: Children and young people have the right to good quality healthcare and to clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that you can stay healthy and safe. (Covering; Shared Spaces – Hygiene – Health - The Environment - The Community – Litter – Water – Food – Respect).
Both Not to waste resources – recycle, reuse
where possible
To consider what could be dangerous and
report any hazards (including people)
To move around the school quietly walking on
the left at all times
To use the bins for litter
Not to chew gum in the school
To leave classrooms and shared spaces tidy
To show consideration when using shared
space walking through them
To clear your eating space when you have
finished eating
To eat only in the designated eating areas
Not to smoke on or near the school
Staff/Parents/Guardians Model good behaviour in shared spaces
To provide access to clean water
Make full use of the facilities
Provide litter bins and recycling bins that
are emptied regularly
Take responsibility for the learning
environment you are working in ensuring it is welcoming, safe and tidy for
others to use
Provide a healthy and tasty menu for all
cultures and dietary needs
Educate about recycling, the environment and
safe and healthy behaviour
Provide adequate cleaning and maintenance services throughout the school
so all areas are kept clean and safe |
Students To try to live a clean and healthy life
To be responsible with food and water making
sure it is not wasted
To only play ball games in the sports
To be respectful and polite to members of
the public who are using the school environment
To keep toilets and changing areas clean
To treat the school environment and
facilities with respect and keep them free from damage
To tidy your equipment away at the end of the lesson so that your
work area is clean |