English Literature GCSE - Core

Contact: Mr J Berry
English Literature GCSE

Studying English will help you to understand how important ideas are communicated in writing, images and speech. It will develop your ability to communicate effectively, which includes persuading people to agree with your point of view!

Your ability to analyse different authors’ language use will also be developed, as will your own skills in creative, analytical and functional writing.

What skills will I develop?

  • Interpretive skills

  • Analytical skills

  • Evaluative skills

  • Communication skills

  • Creative skills

  • Independent research

  • Literacy

Course Content

Paper 1 – Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel
Paper 2 – Modern Texts and Poetry

How will I be assessed?

Exam Board: AQA

Paper 1: examination
1hr 45, 40%, closed book
Shakespeare – one question on chosen play
C19th Novel – one question on chosen novel

Paper 2: examination

2hr 15, 60%, closed book
Modern Texts – one essay question from a choice of two on chosen text
Poetry – one comparative essay question
Unseen poetry – three questions on two unseen poems

Progression Routes

GCSE English Literature can lead to further study of Language, Literature or combined Language/Literature at AS and A Level.
It is an essential qualification for any further study beyond Sixth Form, as well as being a requirement for most career pathways.