Drama GCSE
Contact: Mr N Cooper
Why study Drama GCSE?
Do you like expressing yourself in an active and exciting way, playing many different roles in a variety of imaginary situations?
Are you interested in exploring, being curious and taking risks?
Are you prepared to work in a group, contribute your ideas whilst at the same time compromise and value other opinions?
What skills will I develop?
How Drama is created, including all acting and staging skills needed.
How to create a character and play this character in a performance.
Working as part of a group to create ensemble performances.
Reflect on own work and practice to improve skills.
Develop teamwork, communication, self-management and creativity that have all been identified as skills sought by 21st century employers and further education institutions.
Course Content
Component 1 - Devising Theatre
Decide on a practitioner, style or genre
Produce a script
Prepare a portfolio of supporting evidence
Written Evaluation – Controlled Assessment
Performance filmed for DVD
Component 2 – Performing from a Text
Perform two extracts from a text for the external examiner
Performance filmed for DVD
Component 3 – Interpreting Theatre
Written exam questions based on a set text
Live Theatre Review
How will I be assessed?
Exam Board: Edexcel
40% = Devising Theatre, A Learning Portfolio and An Evaluation
20% = Performance from two separate texts
40% = Written exam about a teacher selected text.
Progression Routes
A Level Drama, University, Performing Arts at College
Drama provides a base level understanding of skills in problem solving and collaboration which are skills that all employers and higher education institutions look for.