January 2021 Return Plans

Good morning

This morning, I was planning to send my Christmas wishes to you all but that will be later today now, as you may have seen yesterday afternoon/evening, the DfE announced there will be a staggered start to the new term. The DfE then released information to schools at about 6pm last night. As you can imagine, details of what will be happening at the beginning of next term are still very sketchy, but I wanted to let you know what has been decided so far.

The training day on Monday 4th January will go ahead as planned, so no students will be in school on that day.

From Tuesday 5th January:

Years 11, 12 and 13 will attend school as normal and follow their normal timetable.
Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be taught online and will follow the timetable which will be sent out to the students via their school email.

Vulnerable students, EHCP students and children of Key Workers in Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 will still need to attend from Tuesday 5th January. Those identified students will also take part, whilst in school, in the online lessons being delivered to the rest of the students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10.

If you are a key worker as defined by the DfE Critical Worker list (published in March) and you would like your child to attend school, please email using the keyworker@radcliffeschool.org.uk address by Monday 4th January 2021. Parents must only use this email address please as we will need to quickly pull this information together in readiness to receive the students on Tuesday 5th January.

The key worker students will be housed for the week in the following rooms:

Year 7: TC1 – Lunch - New Sports Hall
Year 8: A14 – Lunch – New Sports Hall
Year 9: M8 – Lunch – Old Sports Hall
Year 10: C13 – Lunch - Play ground/C13

You may have also seen the DfE are also planning for mass testing in schools, however, so far there has been very little detail released and how this is might be organised. Again, when I find out more or receive any information, I will let you all know.

Kind regards

Paula Lawson
Head Teacher