Exams Information for former students

Examination results are only retained by the school until ex-students have reached 25 years old. After this, to comply with GDPR, the student record will be deleted and The Radcliffe School will no longer have access to your result.

Examination certificates must be collected and kept in a safe place. They are often required for employment opportunities, applications to universities etc., in the future. Obtaining replacements from exam boards can be a lengthy and expensive process.

Please be advised we are only legally required to hold certificates for 12 months. After this date, certificates may be destroyed. It is very important that you collect your certificates when they are available.

If you did not collect your certificates and 12 months have passed since sitting your exams, you will need to contact the exam boards directly using the links below. If you are unsure which exam boards you used, you may have to contact all of them.
