
The Exams Office is responsible for organising and overseeing everything to do with all the exams at The Radcliffe School, from timetabling to organising invigilators.

Along with rules and regulations set by the Exam Boards we expect students to:

  • Wear their Radcliffe School Uniform correctly

  • Make sure they have the correct equipment for the exam they are sitting

    • Black pen (either ink or ball-point – no erasable pens as they can fade with heat!)

    • Clear pencil case

    • Pencils (and an eraser and sharpener!)

    • Scientific calculator (make sure to remove the lid if you have one)

    • A ruler, compass, and protractor (or any mathematical instrument set)

    • Clear transparent water bottle with no labels

  • Follow ALL instructions - JCQ Invigilator Announcement

The JCQ instructions say that AirPods, earphones/earbuds, iPods, mobile phone and watches must not be brought in to the exam room. These should either be left at home or handed in before the exam. Envelopes are provided outside the exam room to put your belongings in, put your name on it and then put in the correct House box.

If you have any queries, please contact us on exams@radcliffeschool.org.uk

Exam Boards

Exam Documents

Prior to mock examination sessions, students will receive a timetable via email or placed in tutor trays, advising them of their mock examination dates.

For external examinations, candidates will receive an initial, reference timetable and then, closer to the relevant examination season, candidates will be provided with a rooming/seating timetable at which point they should discard the reference timetable. Students will receive timetables via the tutor tray and they will also be emailed to students and tutors. Please make sure you check all personal information is correct as this will be used on your certificates. Any subject queries should be directed to your teacher.

Exam results will be available to be collected from the school in August, you will receive a letter with more information regarding this nearer the time.

If you are unable to collect them yourself, you have two options available.

  • First option: Please provide us with a postage-stamped addressed envelope by the end of July.

  • Second option: A friend or family member may collect them on their behalf, but only with signed written permission to do so using the letter at the bottom of this page.

Here are copies of the JCQ rules and regulations:

Here are copies of the JCQ guidance for both candidates and parents:

Exam Certificates

Please keep your examination certificates in a safe place. They are often required for employment opportunities, applications to universities etc., in the future. Obtaining replacements from exam boards can be a lengthy and expensive process. Please be advised we are only legally required to hold certificates for 12 months. After this date, certificates may be destroyed. It is very important that you collect your certificates when they are available. This is usually the December after the summer exams but details will be provided in with your exam results.

Students are required to collect their certificates in person. If this is not possible, a friend or family member may collect them on their behalf, but only with signed written permission to do so using the following letter.

Result / Certificate Collection Letter Link